23 June 2014

Cargarse Espiritualmente

Hello Hello Hello Hola! 

I would like to start by saying that Chile just started their next game of the WORLD CUP, and I LOVE it. You all know, I've never been too big into sports, but I love seeing the pride of the country. Literally, the whole country dies down, and watches the games. Apparently this year Chile is doing good, and it just keeps up the excitement! Its interesting too, how big soccer is here. The schools today either didn't have classes, or had an early release, because the game was at noon. haha! There are hats, flags, horns, jerseys, EVERYWHERE! Its so great! Then the celebration after... Im hoping to be able to film a bit today of what happens after ;) Its so amazing! 

We had a fun week this week too.
We had a Noche de Talentos (talent show) in the ward this weekend. Us missionaries decided to have a little fun, and put on a special show. You know those things they do, when your own arms are the legs of a "little guy" and someone else's arms are yours? (hope that makes sense...) we did that ;) Ill send pictures ;) 
Everyone LOVED it!! Everyone was laughing SO hard! it turned out good ;) I have a video Im trying to upload to the Skydrive, but it takes a LONG time, so you might have to wait a few more weeks to see the videos ;)
We did it twice too. Once of how a missionary gets ready in the morning. So we washed our faces, ate breakfast, brushed our teeth, I did makeup, and the elders shaved. 
Next, we danced. It was so fun!! haha I want you to see the videos.... haha 

Thanks too for getting me all ready for school. Worrying about all with the scholarship/grant, and the mac. It seems like a super good deal, so thanks for getting it! 

There was a talk in the Priesthood Session of this past General Conference about being a Chosen Generation. I read it this week, and liked it. Then, yesterday in church, it was the topic of one of the talks too. 
It explains really well that we need to always be "spiritual charged". We always worry about charging the phone, seeing if we have it, stopping to read a text, ... but do we do the same with a prayer? reading the scriptures? going to church? sharing the Gospel? 
I know I don't... and its something I want to work on. Especially once I'm home. Keep the focus I've found. Keep with the habits I've made. 
I encourage you all to read the talk. I don't know why, but I always love the talks from the priesthood session ;) They are so great! And this one I specially loved ;) 
See in what ways you can do better to always be spiritually charged and making sure it is a priority. 
Here in the mission, we are always hearing that God is first, pray before you leave, its HIS work, do what HE wants you to do, ... and I've seen, several times, that it is easier this way. God has a plan. When we follow this plan, its easier. When we give up our own will, our own vision, or our own desires, its easier. 

I love you all bunches. Have a wonderful week! 
Siguen adelante en todas las cosas, y les irá bien. Eso yo se. Pongan Dios en primer lugar, y serán bendecidos. Les amo, muchísimo! 
Tengan una semana llena de éxitos! Trabajen duro y nunca se den por vencidos. 


---Hermana Severtson

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