It´s good to hear from you all, sounds like everything is going good for all of you. can you believe it--Saturday was my 2 months!! 2 MONTHS ALREADY!! It´s crazy! 1/9 of the way done...not that i´m counting. I sure love it here, but I sure miss all of you too!
so if you haven´t sent a package yet, which I hope not, I heard pouch is easier. because it´s to a US address, so it´s tons cheaper! I don´t know taht address, but it´s in my call packet, which is in my filing cabinet in my room. can you send me my Spanish Preach my Gospel that I sent home? Copies of some of my piano music (not the originals, in case I lose them... joseph smith medley, i stand all amazed, i know that my redeemer lives). and some CD´s copied of efy music and motab? we´re allowed to listen to taht stuff ;) um.. snacks and chocolate ;) no cash, it gets stolen in the mail, and my sd card I sent home too? also, some of those nylon socks for flats, if youcan find any cheap. thanks guys! ;)
i realized i never answered your questions from last week! the bus ride i was not alone, i was with another sister who i live with, another new elder, and an elder that knew what he was doing to help us ;) our companions were waiting for us at the bus station.
that´s awesome you and caleb are having a BofM contest!! Who´s winning?? ;)
I hope everything is going okay with your work too. But i guess whatever ends up happening is supposed to happen, right? ;)
tell micah and julee that "the butterfly´s wings are not blue" or whatever means David Archuleta is not here ;) haha it´s that other mission we thought. ;( haha
I´ve been getting used to the food, it´s not as weird as I thought, but I did get sick wednesday and thursday. a really bad stomach ache, head ache, andd a little fever i think. i keep getting little stomach aches here and there, but i´m fine. they´re bearable ;) could be worse, right?? ;)
one thing that´s hard to get used to is the traffic. everyone drives like maniacs! haha even all through the night (we live right off a busy street) we hear cars, horns, car alarms... so many loud cars drive past and make the alarms of cars parked on teh side of the road go off. it´s kinda annoying! ha
i´m getting used to the walking too. just my shoulders hurt from my backpack. I want a massage from Porter SO BAD!! haha 16 months, right off the plane, you know what i´ll be asking you for dude! :)
the weather is not always hot like we thought. the nights are starting to get chilly, because winter is coming. but as for now, the days still get warm. i heard though in the southern most part of the mission, even during the day in the winter is FREEZING!! lets hope if i ever go there, it´s in the summer season ;) i got lucky though and have pretty much stright winter from provo here, and leaver in the middle of winter too! haha ;)
did you get the insurance form i sent home from the MTC? it was in one of those packages too. and all the gum.. i´m not allowed to have gum on the mission, so you all can have it! first gift home from me! ;) haha
things are getting better with the language and stuff...slowly starting to understand more. it´s super frustrating though, because i can listen to a converstaion and know the main idea of it, but when someone says something directly to me, i have NO idea what they say. and they look at me like i´m crazy! haha but whatever. it´ll come with time and practice.
money is different, but pretty simple. not too different. easy to manage. i´ll try to have extra to bring home to show you guys.... haha it´s pretty cool looking!
we had an investigator get baptized againt his weekend. THIS one I consider my first. haha it was that guy i thought we should talk to in the street..Manuel. It was so cool! I lvoe the baptisms here, they´re amazing! even though I cant understand most of what people are saying, the spirit still is so strong!
so we´ve had kids in the ward here get mission calls, one to ecuador and the colombia MTC. and at least 2 sisters are witing for their call. it takes over a month here to get a call after you submit the papers!! i could barely wait those less than 2 weeks!! ha has anyone else there got their call?
so turns out, i CAN tan. cool huh? my watch tan line has gotten better. i can´t wait til i´m home how great it is ;) my arms are getting pretty dark. maybe i´ll start to look chilean before I come home. besides my blonde hair. which still bothers me with the attention it brings ;)
we went to lider today..teh walmart place. a lot like walmart! haha they even have the great value brand. it´s imported from the US so it´s kinda expensive though. i bought peanut butter today. MMMMmmm missed taht stuff! it´s been over 2 mo without it! haha i´m not sure how long it´ll last me, but it was decently cheap, so i´ll just have to buy more ;)
the gifts we get are for us both. i got another pair of earrings this week. and people give us food all the time!
as for the water, yeah, we can´t drink it. we have to buy it bottled, or drink coke. there´s a lot of juice too. the juice is SO GOOD. i think it´s like koolaid kinda stuff..but it´s delicious!! haha i gotta get grandma a coke bottle too, once it´s closer to my returning ;)
the dogs are a lot like you said, havasupai. but i think worse! the other day, 2 dogs followed us all the way from the chapel to our mamita´s house for lunch (oh yeah, she´s kinda like our maid, but not really. she just feeds us). then from mamita´s to oru house. then after we studied the language, followed the other sisters the rest of the evening. they waited for us when we were inside! apparently they always follow the elders in the other sector next to ours, and we got lucky after our meeting and they followed us instead! but the next morning, we woke up, and they wre gone! we don´t know where they went. but it´s okay, i don´t care. it was annoying. haha
the activity today was to go up to the mountains and go sand boarding. i wanted SO BAD to go, but it was super early in the morning, and i had a stomach ache through the night. and my comp didn´t want to go, so since i wasn´t feeling good, we decided not to. turns out, only 5 people went anyways. i hope we do it again though, because it sounded super fun!
our adderess here is
Chile Antofagasta Mission
Casilla de Correo 70
it´s different for packages and pouch though, just so you know. those are all in my call packet like i said.
anyways, i´ll try again to send pictures, but for now, that´s all i got!!
¡les amo!
--Hermana Severtson <3
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