The conference we had with Elder Viñas was really good, I loved it and learned a lot! He emphasized again about working with members, the mission isn`t a competition of numbers, and so on. It was really good, and exactly what I needed to hear!. So my zone did a musical number. Last Monday, we all got together to practice it, and my companion and I showed up late because we didn`t know where this chapel was. We get there and everyone says "Just in time for your solo!" we thought they were kidding, because we both don`t sing. But then they said "no..really. you have a solo". So, we sang "I stand all amazed" the first verse just us two (and the other 2 verses everyone). And here in Chile, they sing it differently because rarely they have a pianist, so we couldn`t remember how it really goes and couldn`t hit the notes. ANYWAY, during the conferene, we luckily had another sister from the other zone (who DOES sing) help us, and so it went better. But that was interesting.It wasn`t as bad as I thought, but I still don`t want to do it again ;) I just hope that all the assistants and everyone don`t think we DO sing! ;)
And remember how I mentioned a while back how I always have to pray? Yeah, they asked me again to say the closing prayer at this conference ;) I don`t mind, but really, i always pray! Our ward mission leader also always has me pray..sometimes twice in one meeting! haha
Tuesday in our District Meeting, we were doing mock lessons (practicas in Spanish... I don`t remember how to say them in english). and guess what. President walks in right as it`s time for my companion and i to do ours! we were nervous enough as it was, and now walks in president and his wife! But it wasn`t as bad as i thought either, and he said he liked it. But we were afraid! haha
I played the piano in sacrament meeting yesterday, because we don`t have a pianist in this ward. It was fun! I really miss playing the piano, a lot! I never have time to do it, unless its in a meeting or something (usually a capella). and that doesn`t count enough! haha I miss just sitting and playing and learning new songs!
I bought a recorder thing today... I had seen them in the feria (little... souveneir flea market thing) and i wanted one, but i didn`t bring my money. so I went back today, and it was only 1mil pesos when I was thinking 3 or 4. so it was like 2 dollars or so. which is REALLY good! haha I`m going to learn it really well and use it as a piano substitute until im home ;)
Also at church yesterday, in Relief Society, they spoke about the conference talk about the bullying at QC high! So I raised my hand (i think my first time ever in relief society ever, and it was in spanish! ;) ) and told them it was my town and the high school of my siblings, and everyone thought it was super cool ;) GO QUEEN CREEK ;)
I read a talk from the YW conference by Uchtdorf that I liked "Your Wonderful Journey Home" you guys should read this one too. I liked the quote "happiness is the journey, but its also the path". ;)
Can you send me that list of Bible Contradictions you have from your mission? I was thinking about that the other day, because we got a lot of people saying to us that the Bible is perfect and the book of mormon has faults and such. ;) I wanted to kindly show them some contradictions, but couldn`t remember any of them! :)
Also, I used my credit card last week to buy a couple things from Lider, so if you could pay that off for me from my checking account. And I might buy something else today. So there might be another charge. Depending if we have time or not.
ALSO, if you could accept Karlita on my facebook ;)
And, a question. is brother delgado still our home teacher? if so, maybe i`ll email you all in spanish sometime and he can translate it ;)
have a great week, and dad in CHICAGO again! you`ve been going a LOT lately!
love you lots! and miss you too!
--hna severtson